Alissa Puckett
Practice Areas
- Southern Methodist University, J.D. 2008 (cum laude)
- Boise State University, M.A., 1999
- University of Idaho, B.S., 1993
Admitted to Practice
- State Bar of Texas, 2008
- U.S. District Courts for the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Districts of Texas
- U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit
Awards & Honors
- DBA WE LEAD Graduate, 2022
Affiliations and Memberships
- Ally of the Dallas Women Lawyers Association Foundation, 2024 to present
- Food from the Bar (fka Partners for Hope) Committee Member, 2024-present
- Founding Member and Barrister, Dallas Insurance Law American Inn of Court, 2023-present
- Attorneys Serving the Community Sustaining Member, 2023-present; Charity Selection Committee Member, 2024-present
- Dallas Women Lawyers Association Member and Mentor, 2023-present
- Texas Bar Foundation Fellow, 2023-present
- Dallas Bar Association, Torts and Insurance Practice Member, 2008-present
- DAYL Foundation Fellow, DAYL Foundation Scholarship Committee Member, 2021-present
- DBA STEER Mentor, 2020-2022
- DBA Transition to Law Practice Mentor, 2018-2020
- Secretary/Eagle Scout Coordinator, Troop 181, 2021-present
- Associate, Patrick E. Higginbotham Inn of Court, 2011-2012
Practice Description
A significant portion of Alissa’s practice is devoted to insurance litigation involving commercial general liability, commercial auto, and first party commercial and residential property disputes. Alissa also provides coverage opinions to insurance carriers regarding commercial general liability, professional liability, and property policies, analyzing whether coverage exists under Texas law and other jurisdictions.
Alissa further assists insurers with responding to and resolving issues involving Stowers demands, pre-suit demand letters under chapter 542A of the Texas Insurance Code and the DTPA, and appraisal demands and awards.
Representative Experience
All aspects of state and federal court litigation, including written discovery, preparing and deposing witnesses, drafting motions, working with experts, mediating cases, hearings, and preparing cases through trial. Cases resolved by dispositive motion where possible to ensure efficiency and avoid delay.
Law clerk to the Honorable Douglas S. Lang, Texas Fifth District Court of Appeals, Dallas, September 2008 to August 2009.
Publications, Seminars, and Cases
- The Seven Year Itch – Looking at Seven Years of Chapter 542A, Dallas Bar Association, Tort & Insurance Practices Section May 7, 2024
- Living Legends Interview with Beverly Godbey, Dallas Bar Association, July 27, 2022
- Gateway Plaza Condo v. Travelers Indem. Co. of Am., Civil Action No. 3:19-CV-01645-S, 2019 WL 7187249 (N.D. Tex. Dec. 23, 2019)
- United National Ins. Co. v. Mundell Terminal Services, Inc., et al., 915 F. Supp. 2d 809 (W.D. Tex. 2012), aff’d 740 F.3d 1022 (5th Cir. 2014)
- Burlington Ins. Co. v. M-C Production & Drilling Co., et al., Civil Action No. 6:10-CV-00443, 2010 WL 1194925 (E.D. Tex. Nov. 21, 2011)
- Comment: The Proper Focus for FDA Regulations: Why the Fundamental Right to Self Preservation Should Allow Terminally Ill Patients with No Treatment Options to Attempt to Save Their Lives, 60 S.M.U. L. Rev. 635 (2007)